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2019-06-19     来源:   作者:网站管理员   查看:  

实验项目一   Room Reservations 预定客房   6学时)














Room Reservation 预定客房




2、 呈现相关的词汇和表达法,由学生分别进行角色扮演。

 1.  A Group Reservation

Scene 1 :Suppose you are a tour guide, you are calling to the Great Wall Hotel in Hangzhou to make a group reservation for the guests from The United States.

Tips: 1. Your group has 30 people and you want to reserve 15 twin-bed rooms with a bath

    2. The time is Augst 20 to 24

    3. You need to have a meeting on the afternoon of August 23, from 3:00 p. m. to 5:00 p.m.

    2. An Fit Reservation

Scene 2: Suppose you are Mrs. Houston , you will make a reservation in a hotel by phone. You are calling to the Shanghai International Hotel to make a room reservation from October 16th to 20th. The receptionist answers your phone and helps you reserve.

    Tips: 1. You need a single room with shower.

        2. The room rate is 300-500 Yuan RAM.

        3. You need pay a deposit.

        4. You need pick up service at the airport.

5. Your arrival time and departure time.

3. Revising the Resevation

Scene 3: Suppose you are Jack Wilson, the secretary of the Hua Xia Trading    Company.You have booked two rooms from Oct. 12 to 14 for Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their two children in Kai Bin Hotel. You will call to the Front Office to revise your reservation.

 Tips1. Change two deluxe doubles to one for the Smiths from Oct. 14 to 18 because of their childrens absence.

    2. If possible The Smiths want to upgrade a suit. They want to have a Spanish suite.

Useful Expressions

What kind of room would you like (prefer) ?  

2. What kind of room would you like? We have single rooms, double rooms,

  standard rooms, suites and deluxe suites.

3. We do have suites in British, French, Spanish, Japanese and presidential style, Which do you prefer ?

4. Do you give any discount ?

5. A double room with a front view is 140 US dollars per night

6. A double room with a rear view is 115 US dollars per night

               7. Could you tell me under whose name was the reservation made ?

8. May I have your name and phone numbers, please ?

9. How long will you be staying ?

10. Would you please fill in this registration form, sir ?

11. Do you have any vacancies (vacant rooms) ?

12. I’m very sorry we have no room available. But I can recommend you another hotel here.

13. We won’t be able to guarantee you a room for ... (date)

14. A single room is US$80 per night, with a 15% service charge.

15. We offer 10 % discount for group reservation.

16. What credit card do you holding, sir ?

17. Can I pay with travellers cheques ?

18. You have to change the US dollars into RMB at the exchange counter over there.

19.The credit limit by the visa card office is $10,000, we need their permission to   extend credit over the amount. Would you like to pay difference in cash

20. I would like to confirm your reservation. A double room with bath from September 30th to October 3rd. Is that right ?



实验项目二   Check in 登记入住 4学时)














  Check in 登记入住






2、 呈现相关的词汇和表达法,由学生分别进行角色扮演

Checking in for the Guest with a Reservation

Scene 1 : Suppose you are a receptionist, you are receiving Mr. Smith s checking in at the reception desk in the hotel . He has made a reservation from The United States.

Tips: 1. Mr. Smith has reserved a double room with a bath from Jan. 8th to 12th

       2. Mr. Smith wants to change a double room with a front view for a double room with a rear view

    3. fill out the registration form, including name, address, nationality, passport number, signature and date of departure.

Checking in for a Group

Scene 2: Suppose you are a tour guide, you have made a reservation from July 15th to 18th for a group of 20 people in a hotel by phone. Now you are checking in for the group. The receptionist is receiving you .

    Tips: 1. You show the name list with the group visa.

2.You have 10 twin rooms with showerfor July 15th to 18th

        3. The room rate is 300 Yuan RAM per night.

        4. You need morning- call services at 7:00 tomorrow morning.

         5. You take the room card and the vouvhers for breakfast served at the Spring Hall on the second floor.

3. Receiving a Walk- in Guest

Scene 3: Suppose you are Jack Wilson, you come to Kai Bin Hotel to have a single room for six nights from Dec. 5th to 10th . The receptionist receives you.

Tips1. You havent made a reservation, but you want to have a single room with bath for six nights from Dec. 5th to 10th.

     2. You dont want to have one facing the street because you want to have a sound sleep.

        3. the room rate is 580 RMB per night

        4. You ask the receptionist whether they have any discount for a long stay.

Useful Expressions

1.What kind of room would you like (prefer) ?  

2. What kind of room would you like? We have single rooms, double rooms,

  standard rooms, suites and deluxe suites.

3. A double room with a front view is 140 US dollars per night

4. A double room with a rear view is 115 US dollars per night

               5. Could you tell me under whose name was the reservation made ?

7. May I have your name and phone numbers, please ?

8. How long will you be staying ?

9. How long would you like to extend your stay ?

10. Have you got a group visa ?

11. Could you give me your passport and fill in this registration form, sir ?

12.Would you please fill in this registration form, sir ?

13.The bellmen will send your baggage to your rooms..

14. Do you have any vacancies (vacant rooms) ?

15. I’m very sorry we have no room available. But I can recommend you another hotel here.

16. We won’t be able to guarantee you a room for ... (date)

17. A single room is US$80 per night, with a 15% service charge

18. We offer 10 % discount for a group reservation.

19. What credit card are you holding, sir ?

20. Can I pay with travellers cheques ?

21. You have to change the US dollars into RMB at the exchange counter over there.

22.The credit limit by the visa card office is $10,000, we need their permission to

extend credit over the amount. Would you like to pay difference in cash



实验项目三   Check out 结账 4学时)













Check out 结账



Checking out for Bill in the Hotel

Scene 1 : Suppose you are Mr. Smith, you come to the reception desk to pay your bill in the hotel.

Tips: 1. Your room and room number

        2. You have used some hotel services, such as the mini-bar, drinking two bottle of beer

    3. Your bill totals 880 RMB.You dont have enouge cash. You want to pay with travelas check.

4. You check the bill and ask What the 20 Yuan is for.

Paying in cash

Scene 2: Jack and Frank have dinner in a restaurant. After their dinner Jack pays the bill, and the waiter says that they only accept cash payment .

    Tips: 1. When they come to the restaurant, all tables are fully reserved. They wait for half an hour.

2. They have some delicious chinese food- Mapo bean curd, water-cooked fish , double cooked pork, vegetables

3. They want a bottle of orange juice and two bottle of ginger beer

        3. The bill totals 300 Yuan RAM.

        4. Jack wants to pay with credit card,but the waiter says that they only accept cash payment.

 Useful Expressions

Good morningFront Office Cashier’scan I help you

Good morningsir. May I be of service

3. Are you checking out todayMiss Evans

4. Would you like to vacate the room nowsir

5. What’s your room numberplease/Can I have your room number and nameplease

6. Did you have breakfast this morning

8. Have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the hotel coffee    


9. Did you take anything from the mini-bar this morningsir

10. Did you make any phone calls from your room

11. Thank you for waitingthe hotel including service charge for the three days is 470.

12.Have you signed any chit in the last hoursir

13. Your bill comes to 840 including the service charge.

14.Your bill totals 1000 excluding 10 percent service charge.

15 .Here is your billwould you like to check it

16.Would you like to check and see if your bill is correct

17.That first number is your room number 202.

18.The second entry is the restaurant consumption.

19 . Item 6 is the 15 for the phone calls.

20. That’s for the lunch you ordered from your room.

21. That charge is for drinks taken from the mini-barsir.

22. This is the charge for your mini-bar consumption on May 15th

23. That’s for the phone calls you made from your room.

24.Your overseas telephone call is including in the bill.

25. The service charge is including in the bill.

26. Is your luggage down yetsirif notI will send a bellman to help with your luggage.

27. I’ll draw up your bill for you . /Shall I draw up your bill for you

28 .Please wait a moment while I calculate your bill.

29. Your final bill has not reached our department yetsir. Would you please wait a moment while I chase it down

30.I’m afraid that the bill has not reached us yet. So I will have to check with the department concerned.

31. I’m sorryaccording to the hotel policywe don’t accept personal cheque.

32. Your bill totals 2400how would you like to make the payment

33. We accept credit cards herewhich card would you like to use

34. The credit limit by the visa card office is 10,000we need their permission to extend credit over the amount. Would you like to pay difference in cash

35.May I have a print of your credit cardplease

36. Our check-out time is 12 noon. But you used the room until 6pm. I’m afraid that for late check-outs we charge an extra 50of the room rate.

37. Can I check the details for youplease

38. Would you mind waiting a moment while I check the detailsI’ll just check it again for you.

39. I’m sorrysirbut there seems to have been a mistakewould you please wait a

moment while it’s being rectified

40. I’m sorrysir. There has been a mistakewe’ll correct the bill.

41. I’m sorrysirbut there seems to have been a mistake. Please wait a moment while I correct the bill.

42. Just one momentpleaseI’ll check with the Assistant Manager. 43. Thank you for waitingsir. Please sign on this bill.

44. Excuse mesir, but could you please endorse this cheque where it been crossed out

45. I’m sorrysir, but the date on the cheque is incorrect. It should be pay 15th not May 18th. Will you please correct it and initial.

46. Can I have my billplease

47. What’s this for

48. Would you like to sign for itsir

49. Thank youI hope you enjoyed your dinner.

50. How would you like to pay for your billsir 52.We accept American ExpressMaster cardVisa card and Euro card. What kind have you got

53.Do you accept traveler’s cheque

54. Is everything all right during your dinnersir



实验项目四   Foreign Currency Exchange 兑换外4学时)













Foreign Currency Exchange兑换外币



1. Foreign Currency Exchange

Scene 1 : Mr. Smith is at the lobby of hotel. He comes to the reception desk to chang some Us dollars for RMB. The cashier serves him.

Tips: 1. His name and room number

        2. He wanys to know the exchang rate for US dollar today. The exchange rate of RAM against US dollar is 6.8 yuam

    3. He will change five huandred dollars.

4. Fill in the exchange memo, his passport number and the total sum and signs his name.

Useful Expressions

1.Would you like to change some money

2. I’d like to change some money.

3. How much would you like to change, sir

4. Would you like it small or large bills

5.The rates of exchange are on the board theresir.

6.It comes to 3200 at today’s exchange rate.

7. The exchange rate of US dollar to RMB is 100: 680, would you like to change now ?

8.Today’s rate of exchange is 8.09 to the dollar.

9. I’m sorrysirbut the figures and the words on the cheque do not correspond.

10. Excuse mesir, but could you please endorse this cheque where it been crossed out

11. I’m sorrysir, but the date on the cheque is incorrect. It should be pay 15th not  

May 18th. Will you please correct it and initial.

12. I’m sorrybut we do not exchange Hong Kong dollars into Japanese Yuan.

13. I’m afraid we don’t accept non-convertible currencysir.

14. Could you change it at a Foreign Exchange Bank

15. I’m sorrymadambut we have a change limit of 500 dollars between 9 p.m. to  

8.a.m. due to the bank business hours.

16. I’m sorrysirwe only offer one-way changewe are not licensed for a full exchange.

17. Please keep the receipt, you’ll have to produce it whenyou want to change your money back.

18. If we change large amounts, our cash supply runs out and we’re unable to oblige our other guests

19. Could you cash traveler’s chequeplease
20. I’d like to know the rate for Swiss francs.
21. Excuseme. Could I trouble your for some change

22. Sorry to trouble youbut have you change for 60fen
23. Let me have a lookyeswe have the changehere you are.



实验项目五   Taking  Orders  点菜服务 4学时)












Taking  Orders  点菜服务



Taking Orders at a Western Restaurant

Scene 1 : Mr. Smith and his friends come to a western restaurant to have supper. The waiter welcomes them and serves them your bill in the hotel.

Tips: 1. They dont want to have table dhote, but a la carte.

    2. They order beef steak (some it well done, under down, others rare) , diced chicken with pepper& black beans, lobser, lamb chop and fruit salad.

        3. They order 10 bottle of beer, whiskey for men, some soft drinks for ladies.

    4. We serve these beersSan MiguelCarlsbergLowenbrauSun ToryBlue Ribbon and Five starwhich one do you prefer

2. Taking Orders at a Chinese Restaurant

Scene 2: Mr. Bellow and his friends want to try some chinese food, the waiter recommends some chinese food to them .

   Tips: 1. They’d like to try some real Chinese cuisine. But they have no idea about it. The waiter recommends some chinese food to them                            

2.They have some special dishes- Mapo bean curd, water-cooked fish , double cooked pork, tender boiled chicken with soy sauce, steamed Reeves Shad, pepper salt fried spareibs

3. The soup: wild mushroom soup, pork ribs and tunip soup,  stewed mushroom in checken souptomato and egg soup, vegetables

        4. They want champagneand brandy

Useful Expressions

1. Good evening, sirs. Would you like to take your order now ?

2. Do you have a reservation? Yeah, we have a reservation under Mr. Smith for four people.

3. We’d like to try some real Chinese cuisine. But we have no idea about it.

  What would you recommend ?

4. Would you like to have table dhote, or a la carte ?

5.We offer special menus for different diets.

6.Why not try our buffet dinner ?

7.Would you like a table in the hall or in a private room ?

8. How many people are there in your party ?

9. Do you have any special requirements for the celebration ?

10. Could you please tell me in whose name was the reservatiom made ?

11. I m afraid that table is reserved for 8 p.m.

12. We don’t have a vacant table at the moment.

13. Im sorry. The table by the window has been reserved.

14. Would you like to have table d hote, or a la carte ?

15. Which flavor would you prefer, sweet or chilly ?

16. Would you like to try our House Specialty ?

17. Todays special is ..., with a 20% discount.

18.What would you like to drinkwe have a great variety of wines. Which kind of

  them do you prefer

19. Would you like you beer draught or bottle ?

20. Would you like your coffee with milk and sugar ?

21. With ice or without ice, sir ?

22. I do apologize for giving you the wrong dish. Ill heat it up for you at once.

23. Im terribly sorry. I will go to check it out and bring it to you as soon as


24. Could I offer you a complimentary drink ?

25. Please accept our apologies. I assure you this wont happen again.



实验项目六   Dealing with Complaints 处理投诉 4学时)













Dealing with Complaints 处理投诉



1. Complaining about Room Facilities

Scene 1: Suppose you are a receptionist at Service Center, a guest phones to you to complain about the air-conditionner in his room in the hotel.

   Tips: 1. You first listen carefully to the guest with a smiling face.

         2. You comfort the guest with soft words.

         3.You tell the guest that you will ask the manager to deal with the problem.

        4.The manager first says sorry to the guest and then will send an engineer straight up to the guests room to have a look at the air- condintioner.

        5. The guest accepts the managers suggestion to deal with the problem.


 2. Complaining about Mis- serving

Scene 2: Suppose you are a head waiter, a guest, Mr. White comes to you to complain about the mis-serving in the restaurant. He orders a well-down steak. But the waiter gives him a rare down steak. He asks the waiter whether they make a mis-serving. You apologize to Mr. White for giving him the wrong dish. You promise to change it immediately.

  Tips: 1. You comfort the guest and tell him you will deal with the matter immediately .

2. It will take 10 minutes to prepare a new well-down steak.

       3. Mr. White will have a appointment at 7:00 but now it is 6:45.

       4. The head waiter apologies to Mr. White and decides to ask the Room

         Service to serve Mr. White the well-down steak as a snack at 9:30 without payment.

       5. Mr. White expressed his thanks.

Useful Expressions

1. The room is in a mess / too noisy.

2. The window curtain is ful of dust.

3. The pillow cases are stained

4. There is no hot water / water boiler.

5.The bathtub/ water closet is dirty.

6.What’s problem, sir ? Can I be of assistance

7. I’m terribly sorry to hear that.

8.This is quite unusual. I will look into the matter.

9. I will get you another one.

10. I will have them prepare another one. Would you like some drinks while you arewaiting

11. Shall I have the dish cooked again

12. I will take to the chef and see what he can do.

13. I’m terrible sorry. I can give you something else if you’d like. That will be on the houseof course.

14. Would you like to try something elsewith our compliments, course.

15. I will see about your order. Would you like some appetizer while you are waiting

16. I’m sorry, sir. Please excuse her. We are very busy today.

17. I am sorry, sir. We are short of hands today. Would you please have a drink fires.

18. I’m sure everything will be right again next time you come.

19. I’m sorry to hear it . please be assured that we will look into the matter. Out chef is very particular.

20. How about a delicious dessert thenwith our compliments

21. I have every confidence in our chef. Just give us another chanceand you will find this restaurant really lives up to its name.

22. I do apologize for giving you the wrong dish. I’ll heat it up for you at once.

23. I’m terribly sorry. I will go to check it out and bring it to you as soon as


24.Could I offer you a complimentary drink ?

25. Please accept our apologies. I assure you this won’t happen again.




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